Take Your Five Minutes For You.


Hey Messy Movers,

I hope that you all are doing well. Can you believe it's August 11??? The way time is speeding past us these days. Doing my best to hold on tight and see where life is attempting to take us. These last few weeks have been good on the spirit. Time with my husband, time with our family, time to dream and reflect expansively. I am deeply grateful.

I'm excitedly (and nervously) prepping for August in-person immersions in ​Baltimore ​and ​New York.​ Speaking of! You have 10 days to start making plans just for your own personal wellness and refueling. Make sure you grab your ticket soon. Ticket sales will end on August 21, 2024.

Learn about the EMBODIED Immersion Experience Here.

A visual representation of my brain these days.

I am constantly longing to create space for slowness, intimacy, futuristic dreaming, good food and ways to relax my nervous system completely. Finding that five minutes isn't always easy especially depending on the circumstances of life. It can be challenging to get to the point of consistency but it's worth the fight.

The benefits of making this space and time allow us :

  • to dream deeper

  • feel more clarity in our lives

  • increase hopefulness

  • release stress and tension

  • allow the body/brain to shift out of "go mode"

Which makes for a softer, more present, sensually alive and more intuitive you to be able to show up in your life. What are you cultivating with your care practices lately? What dashes, qualities or gifts are you looking to call forward?

You know, that's really the big key to understanding if your self-care practices are actually working for you - setting intentions. If you want to use your practice to cultivate less worry or more ease or audacity to ask for something that feels wild, then you have to name it and then show up for that practice to focus on this intention.

What is your messy movement practice?

  • It's setting aside 5-15 minutes self-study (or a full 75-minute class with guidance.)

  • It's showing up in these spaces to take your movement time

  • Doesn't matter whether you're bumping some amapiano or feeling the sultry vibe to r&b music.

  • It's up to you to define what that space will be.

  • Set your intention for your movement: what are you calling in or releasing?

  • I suggest using the same 2-3 songs for your practice each week

  • Every day make it a point to move to one or all three of your songs.

This song got me through last week and I felt amazing every time I jumped up to do the practice. Check out the five-minute practice below.


Book your in-person or virtual 1:1 session