
"It was really powerful. I didn't even realize how much that bit of movement would shift stuff inside of me." - Moonlite

Try Our Free 15-Minute Practice



 Welcome to The Messy Movement Lab®, A Multimedia Digital Sexual Wellness Studio with a focus on sensual movement and somatic embodiment. Our Approach to Movement is Designed To Help You Reclaim Pleasure, Rest and Radiance in Your Body and Life.

Developed by Rashida Webb-Miller

In just twelve weeks of commitment to our signature 75-minute practice, you will cultivate a renewed relationship to your body, self-intimacy and intimacy with your partner. We want you to learn how to prioritize embodying pleasure daily in ways that feel safe, accessible and enjoyable to your whole self. We use our movement practice as a guide towards better understanding and nurturing what our body needs to feel alive.

Why do we say twelve weeks? We want to encourage you to get to know the practice and your body’s relationship to the work over time v. creating overwhelming demands and pressure for “perfect performance”. This is a learning space and most importantly a practice. You will make shift with one class. You’ll change your life with a dedicated practice.

Our Coaching Praxis

Here at The Messy Movement Lab
®, all of our coaching programs and lifestyle events are centered on the praxis of Pleasure Centered Movement™ (PCM). Pleasure-Centered Movement is a somatic healing practice developed by lab founder Rashida KhanBey Miller to address how we take up space with our bodies through restorative, gratifying, and joyful dance and movement. 

Pleasure Centered Movement requests that we first honor the internal GPS, desire + intuition of our bodies in movement OVER adopting a punitive relationship to what was inherently intended to be healing for our mind, body, and spirit. When we allow ourselves to experience Pleasure Centered Movement, we shift the narrative of what it means to embody the erotic.

This shift disrupts the idea of solely activating the erotic or sensuous body within us for the sole purpose of being of service, entertainment, or pleasure to someone else first. The cishet white male gaze can only conceptualize sensuality and eroticism in the form of harmful pornography, which seeks to use the body as a dumping ground vs. a consensual and mutually pleasurable experience of intimacy that allows for all desires + needs to be met.

My work with the lab is to cultivate a learning space where we can unlearn how we've embodied this narrative - especially as Black Feminine Spectrum People. This practice calls us to remember the erotic as integral to our sense of aliveness, pleasure, and radiance first and foremost for us and THEN to share from our overflow if we so choose...