Who Am I…
Rashida Webb-Miller (Formerly Known as Rashida KhanBey Miller), pronouns (she/Temptress), Performing Artist, Sensual Movement Expert and Author of “A Return To Pleasure” hails from the southside of Chicago, IL. Alum to Mother McAuley High School and University of Illinois at Chicago Theatre Department. And raised in the pews of Trinity United Church of Christ.
For over a decade, Temptress has been passionate about accessing dance as a catalyst for healing the disconnect between our sexuality, spirituality and mental health. Rashida is committed to helping feminine-spectrum people reclaim pleasure as an integral part of our spiritual journey post-trauma.
Rashida serves as the CEO of The Messy Movement Lab ® an online sensual wellness studio for feminine-spectrum people supporting a global student base. She is the lead actor & Executive producer of the short film series Sex Is A God Thing, co-host of the podcast Queer + Married with her husband Miller (he/him), featured Sensuality Coach/ Movement expert and Consultant on Lizzo's: Watch Out For The Big Grrrls on Amazon Prime and 2023 Guest Lecturer for Black Liberation Month at Stanford University in collaboration with Black Community Service Center and Queer Student Resources.
Rashida is available for lectures, workshops, keynotes and conferences for 2024-2025
A Return To Pleasure Documentary
“Curves and Confidence” LIZZO’s WOFTBG Episode 3 Amazon Prime
Sex Is A God Thing
"SEX IS A GOD THING" (2014) Michelle ( Rashida KhanBey) & Adrienne (Dontrella McDonald) fell in love four years ago. While deeply in love, the mundane energy of their day-to-day routines doesn't always leave room for that "first-year passion". Things have gotten a bit tense at home and they both feel like they are drifting in different directions. One night they make a decision to switch up their normal routine. We come in on the night when everything changes - they drop their guards, shut out all the doubts, make space to reconnect and create a night to remember.
"LET GO & LET GOD" (2015) This film is dedicated to people who are struggling with the grips of depression and wondering if there is a way out. In Let Go and Let God she finds her release through dance. The movement stirs her soul to the point where it brings her back to life and she makes a commitment to live again, to take back her power and move forward walking in the joy that God intended her to have for her life.
SEX IS A GOD THING - (2019) Dir. Zarinah Ali, 2019, 19 mins Michelle and Aiesha are sisters who have just buried their father. Michelle and Aiesha have also just met. Both queer and both grappling with the unraveling of their respective romantic partnerships, a drunk Aiesha has dragged a hesitant Michelle out to a party.
Media & Press
Messy Movement For Film, TV and Stage at OUTFEST Festival - Press Release
Lizzo’s Watch Out For The Big Grrrls - Deadline Press Release
Play Now, Work Later Susana Morris
Oppression & The Body with The Black Doula - Sabia Wade
Using Pleasure As Fuel + Movement As Medicine with Amanda Testa
Sex is a God Thing Let's Talk About It With Taylor Nolan
A BLACK HARVEST FEAST- Gene Siskel Film Center
Sex Is A God Thing - The Sex KiKi (Podcast)
Sex Is A God Thing - The Unfit Christian. (Podcast)
Finding The Courage To Love Again & Again - Honey & Sage Co.
Big Bodies In Motion - Plus Size Magic Radio (Interview)
In Search of Self Crowdfunding Picks - Women&Hollywood
A Queer Black Couple Rekindles The Spark In A Crazy-Sexy Webseries - AFROPUNK
( ERUPTIONS, Somatic Movement Practice, Creator, Promo Video
(Wild Soul Woman Podcast, ElizabethDialto, Interview 2016)
(True Story: People if God, Kamal Williams, Interview 2012)
Owning Your Erotic & Spiritual Self, Producer, Interview (2015)
(Forgiveness Is The Path To Orgasm, Elephant Journal, Article 2014)
(Reclaiming Your Sexuality With Erotic Dance, Sex Love Liberation, Ev’Yan Whitney 2017, Interview)
(Reclaiming Your Sexy, SexLoveJoy,Anain Bjorkquist 2015, Interview)
(Two Piece Bathing Suits, Vagesteem, Interview 2017)
(How To Feel Sexy On Your First Date, The Curvy Fashionista, 2016, Article)
Dangerously In Love and Almost Had a Stroke, BlackDoctor.org, 2015, Article)
(How To Reject Nasty Comments About Your Body, The Curvy Fashionista, 2016, Article)
Black Witches Brew Interview
Chicago Now - ERUPTIONS class Review
Reclaiming Your Sexy After Heartbreak. BlackDoctor.
Baby It's Our World Feature/Interview.
Reclaiming Your Sexy Interview. Reclaiming You with Sarah Vance.
Let Go & Let God Feature. Blavity.
Sex Is A God Thing Sensually Explores Queer Passion. For Harriet.
Film Feature : Sex Is A God Thing The LGBT Update.
Black Sex Matters by Kristiana Rae Colon. Chicago Tribune.
How Black Women Are Reclaiming Their Sexuality. The Lily.
Inner Hoe Uprising
Bringing God Into Your Intimate Relationships
Ideas on Fire Interview with Aymar Jean Christian.
Fat People Are F*ckable. The Fab Society.
Sex After Trauma. Rachel Maddox.
The Price of Purity Culture. The Unfit Christian.
Sexy Meditation Tips For The Modern Day Siren. BodyBinds.
The Difference Between Sensual & Erotic. Sheena LaShay
ECSTASY Class Review. Meow University