Remember releasing things doesn't mean that...

A snippet from 'A Return To Pleasure: Reclaiming The Erotic As Holy and Integral to Our Aliveness After Trauma" by Rashida Webb-Miller

This has most definitely been a week of high emotion and a little dash of chaos.

How are you feeling in your body today? I hope you took a deep breath because I did.

My heart has been a little heavier than usual this week and it's taken me a lot of grace to pull myself through the feelings of disappointment and uncertainty. I am sitting with it all and imagining what can be possible next.

Collectively, Black women and femmes especially, are just tired. There really is no fighting this and as The Nap Bishop reminds us we don't need to. Go lay your ass down. We need to collectively reclaim a place within our spirit and body that can dream something better than what is and that place can't be compromised for any reason.

Slowing down to actually process the feelings can feel overwhelming. Which is why most of us tend to stay on the go, distracted, scrolling because to stop and be with the emotions that are coming up can feel costly to our well being.

I'm so grateful to have been in the presence of movers this month especially. Our Sunday evening classes have meant a lot to me just as we start this year. Every time I hear the reflections and intentions for coming into the space I know we are doing this work for a reason.

Our movement has allowed us space to sit with whatever emotions or energies are coming up for us and a space to shift. You can think about shifting the emotional energy around with this framework. What are you moving towards when you do begin your 15 minute practice or live class in the online lab? What do you desire to experience as you open yourself up to let the practice work it's medicine on your nervous system?

Here's what some students have said recently:

So next time you shift into your practice ask yourself: Why am I here?

Come join us on the dance floor:

See you on the dance floor,

Rashida Webb-Miller (she/temptress)

Founder and Lead Instructor of The Messy Movement Lab®


Developing Our Practice …17 Years Later…


GNX by Kendrick Lamar, Freestyle Cardio Practice @ 2500 Steps