Moving Through Holiday Stress.

Moving through holiday stress.

The Holidays are here and we are figuring out what celebration looks like while also holding immense pain and loss. Let’s just be honest these last few years the Holidays just look different. It is both with joy and sadness that I look at these times. We as a people have endured so much. 

I want you to check out parts 1-3 of my latest post: “How to come back to the body during stressful times” 

These mini lessons start to give you an understanding of how to use your sensual movement practice as a self-healing or self-regulation tool.  

Finding the stimulation (notice I didn’t say motivation) for Movement can be hard when the body is processing so much information at once. As you can see in the video here I’m speaking to a process that has taken place over several months. 

What I have learned over the last decade of practicing and teaching to thousands of movers just like you, you have to give the body not only space to process but to not want to deal. 

You have to give the body space to move away - to have resistance because if the body cannot show resistance to you - the soul/brain/mind utilizing It as a vessel it will rebel and it will shut down. 

In this case my body -  not wanting to move -was a clear rebellion against violence that I’ve been navigating with the state and the grief around my mom’s health.

Through the lens of my self-care practice I understand that I’m carrying an immense amount of weight in the spiritual and physical, my stimulation points for movement can be exhausted or fried so to speak from doing so much heavy lifting. 

It is important that I am 

Working with my body. 

Working with my grief. 

Working with my rage. 

Working with my fear. 

Even when it’s not showing up out right or blatant, I have to acknowledge where I have resistance or stagnation in the body. 

From this place,  slowly, moment by moment,  finding bursts of powerful movement in my body and edging out that energy intentionally. 

Come to class.

Live Online Class Sunday, December 11, 2022

On-Demand Intro To Sensual Movement as A Healing Practice

On-Demand Workshop: What Is Sensual Dance?

Read The Book: A Return To Pleasure

See you on the dance floor,

Rashida KhanBey Miller (she/temptress)


Caregiver Edition: Low impact cardio for holiday stress relief.


Moving Through Holiday Stress Part I