Live Online Workshop: Awaken Your Sensual Self Cultivating Confidence and Connection Through Movement.
Level 101
How To Awaken Your Sensual Self
Are you ready to tap into your sensuality and embrace your inner power? Look no further than our on-demand Sensual Movement Course. This transformative course is designed to help you explore your body's natural movements and rhythms, cultivate confidence, and connect with yourself on a deeper level.
Led by Emmy Winning Artist, Rashida KhanBey Miller, a Black Queer Femme, Artist, Educator, Wife and creator of The Messy Movement practice, this two-hour lecture explores the definition of sensual dance and how to use movement to support your self-love and healing journey. Rashida teaches using the guide points from her book "A Return To Pleasure," now available on Amazon.
This course is perfect for anyone on the feminine-spectrum who wants to start their Messy Movement journey or explore sensual dance in a safe and supportive environment.
You will learn how to use tools and rituals to connect with your body, challenge limiting self-beliefs, and create a vision for your love and sex life without shame or fear.