A Love Song For The Revolution. Messy Moments by Damon A. Williams.

A love song for the revolution. That’s what came to mind after my conversation with Damon A. Williams. I heard Damon’s new song “Messy Moments” and I knew I wanted to feature the track immediately for our Messy Movement Monday conversation and beyond.

When you hear the title Messy Moments what comes to mind for you? How do you honor the messy moments within your personal self, intimate relationships, village and community? How do you make space for the uncomfortable so the unfathomable can come to fruition? How do we sit with disruptions and make space for healing so we don’t repeat cycles of abandonment, avoidance or disconnection?

All big questions to sit with but I know our Messy Movers love to dig deep.

I'm super. Super proud and just really honored. Again, I just can't say that enough because this piece is so beautiful, especially considering all the things that we've been navigating socially, politically and interpersonally just, , navigating through the pandemic over the last couple years.

When Damon is referring to movement space, it's referring to social justice, it's referring to community activism.

It's referring to the ways in which we're showing up in, the conversations around public policy and how that's holding the people within various communities. And of course, that. Intersects with the way in which our bodies are living and breathing in those faces. But just to give people some, just some clarity and some nuance around what , what these various movements are.

In this interview Damon and I get the heart of it all and deep dive into his inspiration, intention and devotion to Black people, Black progress and Black Love through his music, activism and media.

Check out the song on Spotify and then check out the video directed by Chicago’s very own Ashley Battle.


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