One Page A Day from #AReturnToPleasure

I use the google random number generator to select my daily page for reading from #areturntopleasure.

I really appreciate being able to be guided towards a message or prompt in the book and allowing that to influence my pleasure practice for the day.

This was my selection from January 1, 2023. Landed on page 208 of the book and few pages.

Sometimes I have my doubts whether my work “makes sense” or actually has impact on others. This day I landed on just a few testimonials from members of @themessymovementlab as a reminder to my spirit that I’ve created something powerful.

I continue to pray that people are able to find at least one thing that gives hope and inspiration for exploring your sensual and sexual self beyond the guilt and shame of religious harm.

If you’re ready to explore how to reconnect to your body and reclaim your experience of your erotic self without fear then I want you to join me for my sensual movement series online.

Messy Movement Six Week Series Online.

Recording access provided each week for additional study and accessibility.


Spending Time with My Flowers.


Calling Forth Pleasure in the midst of chaos.