How I Spot My Right Customers As A Black Queer-Femme + Wellness Entrepreneur.

How I Spot My Right Customers.

38 new members joined the Messy movement lab this week.

I’m so grateful for y’all. I don’t know what else to say. To finally see @themessymovementlab coming into its next iteration and expansion has been so inspiring.

I feel at home in the stride that we’ve created and really proud of the way we’ve been able to curate and build custom curriculum for our classes and other companies.

Running a business is not all that pretty some days. Like the other day when I got what felt like a very reactionary email post-class experience. It left me and our service team a bit depleted. Taking a pause - we just acknowledge how it hurts to receive feedback that isn’t centered in reciprocity/growth especially when no actual harm has been caused.

There was no point to resolve. They left their feedback and then unsubscribed from everything.  It fucking sucks. 🥲

I’ve dealt with customers like this for over 10 years. Not ready to acknowledge their own overwhelm with the topic itself so they take their aggression from being shaken up out on the facilitator. Or better yet- they ghost 👻 . No calls. No emails. No responses. Leaving you holding all the questions. And immediately we know these are not our customers and they are not ready to work with us.

The people who are ready…. My God.

You all Shine even when they are experiencing disconnection and confusion. It’s the way you explore the resistance and allow yourself to remember that you have guides to support the transition. It’s the way you allow yourself to take your time. It’s your willingness to keep showing up and deepening your practice.

So I just have to say - I see you.

👉🏾Thank you for trying new things with me.

👉🏾Thank you for remembering that there’s a human on the other side of your interactions.

👉🏾Thank you for your thoughtful reflections. Your joy and discovery in your written reflections are so profound.

👉🏾Thank you to those of you who saw me sneak in class a couple times for my own personal practice and allowed me the space to do so.

Are you looking for coaching to support your journey of healing your sexuality and reconnecting to the body? Check out my services below


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