21 Day Self-Care Devotion Recap: Work with Your Pain Not Against It.

Walking through the 21 day plan I have to say that every time around, I feel something new in my body.

In this audio blog I wanted to share with you all about my personal experience walking through the devotion plan this month.

I’m sharing:

  • How many days I actually completed

  • Challenges I experienced while navigating

  • How I worked through cyclical thoughts

  • How tracking my data helped to improve my mood and ultimately my performance

  • Why we need to allow ourselves more space when we think of making/restarting new habit.

I feel stronger emotionally and physically.

I have a much deeper sense of awareness of where my body's living.

So I want you all to think about this idea : you're not trying to see if you can get through all the days. I want to just debunk that right now. That is not the purpose.

The purpose is for you to be able to track your mood, your body and the experiences that you've had. To have a steady place for reflection that allows for you to see how are you actually growing in your experience around your sexuality?

How are you growing in your experience around reconnecting to your body? There's just all of this, this data that we aren't necessarily able to hold on to from moment to…

Listen to the full recap below…

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