A Return To Pleasure. A Self-Love Guide for Feminine-Spectrum People.

Everyday in my stories I’m sharing one page a day from my book #areturntopleasure. Part one dives into a conversation around reclaiming the erotic as holy and integral to aliveness after trauma.

I wrote this book for all the times in my own life when I needed someone to give me that gentle push to refocus on what feels good to me, what makes me feel alive, where I craved to find deeper joy and self-expression. I needed this book for the times I chose to stay in unhealthy places. I needed this book for the times when I felt like the life I wanted was out of reach. I needed this book when I was struggling to accept and understand my own sexual identity. I needed this book when shame wouldn’t let go of me.

So I offer this book to you as a prayer, as an invitation and exploration into what more looks like in your body, in love, in intimacy and life - even after you’ve gone through some really hard times.

Join me for this exploration and see my own notes reading back on some of the passages.

#areturntopleasure is now available on Amazon Paperback and Kindle.

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Four Reasons Your Self-Love Practice is Crucial To Your Wellness


Movement Does Not Have to Equate to Pain.