Rashida KhanBey Miller’s Pop-Up Dance Studio For Stanford University’s “Black Liberation Month”.

I don’t know how to describe it all! But over the last six months I’ve been working with Stanford University, Queer Student Resource + Black House to develop The Messy Movement Lab pop-up studio on campus and online for students for Black Liberation Month.

All month long students have accessed our digital series, received copies of my book, received sensual self-care tools kits for starting their practice all at no cost to them individually. This month long journey culminated this week with an in-person class and lecture.

Yesterday, on the one year anniversary of my book release for “A Return To Pleasure” we hosted our first three classes on the campus grounds with a live video installation and discussion. Each session was so intimate and so beautiful. Their reflections post class made my heart burst.

This has been a literal dream come true. You all know I began teaching and researching this space when I was a college student at UIC. Neil in theatre department let me harass him every week for studio space for this experimental journey. That was in 2008!!! Slowly I began providing classes on campus and around the city creating what is now known as The Messy Movement Lab.

First of many installations to come. My heart is exploding with joy, excitement and just reveling in this success.

My Husband Miller made this whole trip so seamless. From the airport to class clean up. I must say after several years of touring together we have grown so much. We just keeps getting better at this. It is such a gift and blessing to be able to have your support and vision anchoring the space.

I wouldn’t be standing here if it were not for my mother Gail Page. You made sure I was able to spin gold out of every card we’ve been handed. Thank you for pushing me and never letting up. I pray to continue to honor you and make you proud every step of the way.

I cannot believe we did it! We’ve been planning for so long but we did it!!!!!!

Thank you all for your support and believing in me.

Are you looking for keynote or workshop for your next University Event? Click here to submit a booking request for one of Rashida’s experiences today.


I am now accepting bookings for May-September 2023


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