Coming back home to the body through dance.

How do you come back to your body and sensual self when life is shaking you up?

I have moments where I was feel hella defeated.

You know those days? Where it feels like the energy of the day is swinging you from obstacle to breather back to yet a more complex obstacle? 

Yeah, it’s been like that. So one day in particular here I am hella in public and I cannot stop the tears from falling. I heard myself say aloud “please stop crying”. And immediately in that moment I thought to myself why? 

Why do I need to refrain from crying in public? Waiting until I’m in a more appropriate place to be human?

I do understand when you need privacy and a moment to collect yourself but when life is overwhelming and you’re caught off guard, you have permission not to hide.

So I let myself stand there and finish quietly crying. Several folks whispered to me as they walked past and two of them stopped to briefly. I was grateful for these people. They all walked by one after another with variations of comforting words.

​My thoughts were taking me down the rabbit hole of doubt and diminishment.

How did I make yet another mistake? Why can’t I get this right? Why isn’t this working for me? Why can’t I hold it together? What’s wrong with me? You’re way too sensitive! 

Who else has a thought train like this? 

As I felt my body and mind shift away from the energy of my Temptress I had to stop myself. 

Doing this work of leading others into coming back home to the energy of pleasure,rest and radiance means my life also shifts with the work. 

I literally wrote to our community the night before:

“let your deliberate actions reflect your belief in pleasure and goodness even when your current reality does not confirm that spaciousness.“ 

I wanted my actions to my body+mind+spirit to reflect what I believe and not what I’m experiencing.

I ran out of the house that morning to design some floral arrangements for a local business. Now earlier this day I snapped a photo while immersed in a sea of fresh flowers.

Obviously, just the reminder I needed of how much joy being “in practice” brings me. 

This is the space that I’m dedicated to claiming, surrendering to and playing in. Everything else is just an obstacle to this joy. I don’t know what kind of day you’re having but be deliberate about calling pleasure back to your body.

Be deliberate about reactivating your joy. Don’t bypass your heartbreak or pain but also know that it’s a companion that can serve you as you move forward instead of hinder you from experiencing life.

And if you find yourself needing to cry in public today ....just do it. You don’t always have to hold it together.

Come dance with us…

Are you looking for coaching to support your journey of healing your sexuality and reconnecting to the body? Check out my services below


Moving Through Holiday Stress Part I


✨Part Four: Why isn’t Rashida or any teacher live in your first class?✨